
Emails are no more a valid communication channel between businesses and customers.
Spoki helps businesses to better communicate with their customers using WhatsApp during the whole customer journey: marketing, sales and customer support.

Spoki is a WhatsApp conversational platform that allows to:

  • send bulk marketing messages to thousands customers with a click
  • integrate WhatsApp with your e-commerce for transactional messages and abandoned cart, with your CRM or marketing automation tools to create sales funnels, or directly with your digital ads to send a WhatsApp message in the exact moment someone  express his interested in your product or services
  • create automations and chatbots, for customer support or whatever you can think of.

    Everything is super easy and very effective

11 - 14 JANUARY 202514 - 17 JUNE 2025

Exhibition CentreVia Baltera, 20 - 38066 - Riva del Garda (Italy)

News in the spotlight


Thursday, June 20, 2024

At an event dedicated to footwear and fashion accessories, discussing the latest trends in the aisles of the halls is inevitable. Especially consumer trends: “What products are selling best in stores?…

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